Throughout my lifetime, whenever I needed time alone to think, I would walk the beach. Feeling the sand between my toes, the wind blowing my hair and listening to the natural rhythm of the waves seemed to make all of my troubles disappear. Today, I walk the beaches and backroads of Cape Cod to capture the sense of peace that I experience, and share it with you.
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Love and Peace,
"Just before the Rain" Yarmouthport
Memories FA 127
This was taken at Megansett Beach in North Falmouth.
"Last Light" Craigville Beach, Centervil
Into the Light
Chapoquoit Beach, Falmouth
Red Dory in Marsh - Harwich
At the Herring River
Sunset Strut - Centerville
Path to Long Beach Centerville
A beautiful beach in the town of Barnstable.
"Will Do" CH 107
This is just as I found it on Hardings Beach in Chatham.
"The Wave" WE 133
Cape Cod National Seashore. Photo taken on Cahoon Hollow Beach Wellfleet.
Cahoon Hollow Beach Wellfleet WE 140
rsonal favorite. Some of you might have visited "The Beachcomber" Restaurant at the top of the dune....
Race Point Light - Provincetown
Nobska Light Falmouth FA 130
nature photo. The Falmouth Road Race is run by this location. Martha's Vineyard is in the distance. ...
"Starfish II" MV 128
This is the second starfish I saw in one day at Moshup Beach, Aquinnah, Martha's Vineyard.
© Beth E. Higgins